Visual Culture

Visual Culture
The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg from The Great Gatsby (dir. Jack Clayton, 1974)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Describe the below advertisement in terms of Semiotics, discussing what the signifiers are and what they signify.  Describe what acts as overt info, covert info, and try to express what Barthes calls, "What goes without saying."

Describe the below painting in formal terms.  Identify which main elements of art seen and describe how they are employed through the principles of design.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Advertising and Fine Art

Estee Lauder perfume ad

Happy Accidents of the Swing, 1767, by Fragonard

Agent Provacateur perfume ad

Detail of The Turkish Bath, 1862, by Ingres

Grand Odalisque, 1814, by Ingres
Buchanan Scotch ad